
Documentation can be accessed in the upper right of Velocity

Suggest & vote for product features

Learn more about UrbanCode Velocity, DevOps, and Value Streams at

Tutorials and Workbooks

1. Building a Value Stream with Jira, GitHub, and Jenkins

2. Building a Value Stream with Azure and UCD

3. Plugin SDK Hello World


How to Contribute

Your contributions are welcome and appreciated! 🙂

Create an Issue The easiest way to contribute is by asking and/or answering a velocity-info issue (5 points and a gold star ⭐ if you ask and answer your own question).

These are not product issues, but a way to contribute to user content, so topics are very open. For instance, you might request new content like a workbook, suggest supplementary info, or describe a hurdle and/or solution.

Issues are highly searchable, so make sure to search for a related issue before posting a new one. Also, because of this, you can use velocity-info issues as a sort of Q&A.

Just click on the “Issues” tab from the repository or the link here to get started: