
Docker Compose to Kubernetes Migration

Requires Velocity 1.5.2 or later.

Dump Current Database from Existing Installation

  1. Open a shell inside the database container
docker exec -it velocity_database_1 bash
  1. Dump all data from the existing database
  1. Leave the container shell
  1. Copy the dump folder out of the container
docker cp velocity_database_1:/dump <DESTINATION>

Set Up MongoDB in Kubernetes

  1. Install the MongoDB Helm chart with a root password of your choice
helm install --set mongodbRootPassword=<ROOT_PASSWORD> --name velocity-mongo stable/mongodb
  1. Open a shell inside the MongoDB pod
kubectl exec -it --namespace default svc/velocity-mongo-mongodb /bin/bash
  1. Open a Mongo Shell session as the root user
mongo admin -u root -p <ROOT_PASSWORD>
  1. Create a non-root user with sufficient privileges for use in Velocity
db.createUser({user: "<NEW_USERNAME>", pwd: "<NEW_PASSWORD>", roles: [{role: "readWriteAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}, {role: "dbAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}, {role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin"}]})
  1. Exit the Mongo Shell

Restore the Database Dump to the MongoDB Pod

  1. Identify name of MongoDB pod
kubectl get pods
  1. Copy database dump folder into MongoDB pod
kubectl cp <DUMP_LOCATION> <FULL_POD_NAME>:/tmp/dump
  1. Open a shell inside the MongoDB pod
kubectl exec -it --namespace default svc/velocity-mongo-mongodb /bin/bash 
  1. Navigate to the dump directory
cd /tmp/dump
  1. List the folders; each folder is a database within MongoDB
  1. Restore each database EXCEPT ADMIN
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://<NEW_USERNAME>:<NEW_PASSWORD>@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin" <DB_NAME> -d <DB_NAME>
  1. Exit the pod shell

Configure SSL Certificate

  1. Create a file called velocity-secret.yml with the following contents
  apiVersion: v1
    tls.crt: <BASE64_CERT>
    tls.key: <BASE64_KEY>
  kind: Secret
    name: velocitytls
    namespace: default
  type: Opaque
  1. Encode the certificate and key files and paste them into the appropriate spaces
cat <FILE>.pem | base64
  1. Apply the velocity-secret.yml file
kubectl apply -f velocity-secret.yml

Configure Kubernetes Ingress

  1. Apply 2 Ingress-Nginx yml files
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Install Velocity

Before proceeding, please ensure that the settings.json file generated the last time you ran the Velocity installer is present in the ~/.ucv directory

  1. Run the Velocity installer. Fields should auto-populate from the settings.json file, but you can change the install location and hostname if you wish. Select Kubernetes as the platform. This will produce a Helm chart tgz you can use to install Velocity.
  2. Install the Velocity Helm chart.
helm install --set license=accept --set url.domain=<HOSTNAME> --set mongo.url=mongodb://<NEW_USERNAME>:<NEW_PASSWORD>@velocity-mongo-mongodb:27017/?authSource=admin --name velocity <VELOCITY_HELM_CHART>

Velocity should now be running