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Jenkins - Usage

The Jenkins plug-in provides features that can be used for the following purposes:

The tables in the Configuration properties describe the properties to define the integration.

To install the Jenkins plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. From the home page, click Settings > Integrations > Available.
  2. In the Action column for the Jenkins plug-in, click Install.

To integrate the Jenkins plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. From the home page, click Settings > Integrations > Installed.
  2. In the Action column for the Jenkins plug-in, click Add Integration.
  3. On the Add Integration page, enter values for the fields used to configure the integration and define communication.
  4. Click Save.

Using Jenkins jobs as input for the release pipelines

To use Jenkins jobs as input for the release pipelines, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to DevOps Velocity.
  2. Click Value streams on the Navigation bar.
  3. Click All Value Streams tab and select the required value stream.
  4. On the Value Streams page, click Pipeline tab and then click Add app to add an application. The Add app - Choose the app dialog box opens.
  5. In the Managed by drop-down list, select Jenkins.
  6. In the Application name field, enter the application name.
  7. In the Description field, enter the description for the application.
  8. Click Save to add the application.
  9. On the Jenkins application, in the Input column, click the + button to create a version. The Create version dialog opens.
  10. Select the Jenkins job and then click Save to create a version.

Using Jenkins jobs as automation tasks in deployment plans

To use Jenkins jobs as automation tasks in deployment plans, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to DevOps Velocity.
  2. Click Releases on the Navigation bar.
  3. Click the required release.
  4. On the Releases page, click the required deployment plan to open the deployment plan page.
  5. On the deployment plan page, click Create Task. The Create task dialog box opens.
  6. In the Type drop-down list, select Jenkins.
  7. In the Name field, enter a task name.
  8. In the Description field, enter the description of the task.
  9. In the Integration drop-down list, select required integration for the task.
  10. In the Process drop-down list, select required process for the task.
  11. Select the Wait checkbox to wait for job to finish in Jenkins.
  12. Perform any of the following step:
    • Click Save to save the task and close the dialog.
    • Click Save and create another to save the task and create another task.

Integration Type

The Jenkins plug-in supports scheduled events integration. There is a scheduled event which is described in the following table.

Name Description
SyncJenkinsDataEvent Query Jenkins for any new or updated builds.

Configuration properties

The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration. Each table contains the field name when using the user interface and the property name when using a JSON file.

General Configuration Properties

Name Description Required Property Name
NA The version of the plug-in that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the version named latest is used. No image
Integration Name An assigned name to the value stream. Yes name
Logging LJenkinsevel The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. No loggingLevel
NA List of configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the Jenkins server. Enclose the properties within braces. Yes properties
  The name of the tenant. Yes tenant_id
NA Unique identifier assigned to the plug-in. The value for the Jenkins plug-in is ucv-ext-jenkins Yes type
DevOps Velocity User Access Key An auto-generated user access key provides credentials for communicating with the DevOps Velocity server. Yes NA

Jenkins Configuration Properties

Name Type Description Required
Jenkins Server URL String Base URL of the Jenkins server. Yes
Username String An assigned name to the value stream. Yes
API Token Secure API Token to authenticate with the Jenkins server. To create one navigate to Jenkins -> User (top right) -> Configure -> Api Token) Yes
Job Filter (xPath) String Restrict which jobs get synced with an xPath filter string. For example: ‘starts-with(fullName,”folder/path/”)’ to only get jobs in a specific folder or: ‘contains(name,”Team Name”)’ to only get jobs that contain a specific substring or: ‘(starts-with(fullName,”folder/path/”) or contains(name,”Team Name”)) and ends-with(name,”my-suffix”)’ etc… No
Request Timeout String Timeout (in seconds) to apply to each request to the Jenkins server. No
Request Retries String Number of times to attempt each request to the Jenkins server (to help eliminate on-off request errors failing entire sync). No
Parallel Requests’ Boolean Whether or not to make requests to the Jenkins server in parallel (parallelized requests make syncing faster but put more pressure on Jenkins server). No
Request Depth String The depth of folder levels that Jenkins API requests should make. Increased depth puts more load on each request but requires less requests for deeply nested folder structures. No
Queue Polling Timeout String Length of time (in minutes) to poll for build to be kicked off from queue. No
Queue Polling Interval String Time (in seconds) to wait between requests to get build after it is kicked off from queue. No
Build Polling Timeout String Length of time (in minutes) to wait for build to complete if task is set to wait. No
Build Polling Interval String Time (in seconds) to wait between requests to check if build completed if task is set to wait. No
Builds on First Fetch String Number of Builds to initially retrieve per job when getting all Jobs. (max value is 100) No
Builds on Follow-Up Fetches String Size of the batches of Builds to retrieve if a job contains more builds than “Builds on First Fetch No
Excluded Repository Parameters String Specify the jenkins job parameter names as a comma-separated list to identify repositories that should be disregarded in the context of the job. No
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