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Jenkins - Overview

Jenkins plug-in is a powerful tool for managing software delivery pipelines in DevOps Velocity. Deployment teams can orchestrate the deployment of input builds into controlled environments with defined checks and balances using Jenkins plug-in. Jenkins plug-in is a scheduled plug-in that runs every 5 minutes to import any new builds in Jenkins and pull them into DevOps Velocity. This ensures that you have access to the latest builds and work more efficiently.

The Jenkins plug-in has the following features:

Importing Jobs and Builds: You can use Jenkins plug-in to import jobs and builds from a Jenkins server, which can be provided as an input for the release pipelines in DevOps Velocity. Therefore, you can manage the software delivery process more efficiently.

Running automation tasks: You can use Jenkins plug-in to run Jenkins jobs as an automation task in DevOps Velocity. Running the Jenkins job as an automation task, you can further streamline the software delivery process by automating routine tasks, reducing errors, and minimizing the time required to release the software.

Integration with deployment pipelines: Deployment pipelines in DevOps Velocity is a powerful way to create automated pipelines for deploying software applications. You can use Jenkins plug-in to add Jenkins jobs as a task within the deployment pipelines and automate the deployment process.


Must be running DevOps Velocity version 4.0.9 and later to use the plug-in.


DevOps Velocity plug-in images are located in DockerHub. To view available versions, see the UrbanCode DockerHub.


Version 1.1.15

Version 1.1.3

Version 1.1.2

Version 1.0.4

Version 1.0.1

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