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IBM AppScan Enterprise

IBM AppScan Enterprise enables organizations to mitigate application security risk and achieve regulatory compliance. This plug-in includes steps to run AppScan Enterprise scans and retrieve scan results in IBM DevOps Deploy processes.

Available Steps

Configure Job Options: Configure scan job options. Create Scan: Create an AppScan security scan. Delete Folder Item: Delete a folder item, such as a Scan or Report, from the AppScan Scans view. List Templates: Retrieve and print a list of available job templates. Retrieve PDF Report: Retrieve report from AppScan Enterprise. Reports are saved as a PDF file named [reportFIID]-[date]-[time].txt Retrieve Reports: Retrieve reports from AppScan Enterprise. Run Scan: Run an AppScan security scan. Wait for Scan or Report Pack: Wait for an AppScan Scan or Report Pack to complete.

Supports IBM Security AppScan Enterprise version 9.0.3 and greater.

AppScan’s webhook functionality will call the specified REST API endpoint with given payload and Basic authentication following the completion of a content scan job. A hidden field has been added to the Create Scan step to configure the webhook. Learn more about the webhook functionality here. The webhook beta functionality was added in IBM Security AppScan Enterprise version

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