IBM AppScan Enterprise - Process Steps
- Configure Job Options
- Create Scan
- Delete Folder Item
- List Templates
- Retrieve PDF Report
- Retrieve Report
- Run Scan
- Wait for Scan
Configure Job Options
Configure scan job options.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL. For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
HTTP Authentication | Enumeration: Default / Enable true / Disable false / ${p?:component/appscan.httpAuth} |
Check this field to enable Basic/NTLM authentication. | No |
HTTP Password | Password | No | |
HTTP User | String | No | |
Login .config File | String | Please provide a .config login file for the scan. | No |
Login Method | Enumeration: None / Automatic / Manual File | Select the login method. | No |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
Recorded Traffic .htd File | String | No | |
Scan Type Method | Enumeration: Full Scan / Explore Only / Test Only | Select the Scan Type. Default value is Full Scan. If record traffic file is provided, default value is Test Only. For Full Scan ID: 1, For Explore Only ID: 2, For Test Only ID: 3. | No |
Scan FIID | String | FIID of the scan to configure. This is found in the scans URL. | Yes |
Scan Limit | String | No | |
Scan Site Password | Password | Password to use when logging into the site. Input here will overwrite the password if there is already one set in the scan. | No |
Scan Site User | String | User to log into the site as. Input here will overwrite the username if there is already one set in the scan. | No |
Site URL | String | URL of site to scan. If there is already at least one starting URL associated with the scan, input here will add to the list of URLs. | No |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
Create Scan
Create an AppScan security scan.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL. For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Application ID | String | The application ID. Used to associate the job with an application. | No |
Automated Scan Name | Enumeration: No / Yes | Please select Yes for automated scan name. | |
Folder ID | String | ID of the specific folder in which to create the scan and report pack. If this is left blank, the scan and report pack will be created in the root folder. | No |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
Scan Description | String | The description to give to the newly created scan. | Yes |
Scan Name | String | The name to give to the newly created scan. | Yes |
Template Name | String | Name of the template to use to create the scan and report pack. Must be a valid template that you have access to in the Templates directory or any of its subfolders. | Yes |
Test Policy ID | String | The Test Policy ID. Used to associate the job with an application. | No |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
Delete Folder Item
Delete a folder item, such as a Scan or Report, from the AppScan Scans view.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL, For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Folder Item FIID | String | Specify a Folder Item FIID to delete. Example: Scan or Folder FIID. | Yes |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
List Templates
Retrieve and print a list of available job templates.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL. For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
Retrieve PDF Report
Retrieve report from AppScan Enterprise. Reports are saved as a PDF file named AppScanReportOutput-[date]-[time].zip
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise Port | String | AppScan Enterprise Port number. | Yes |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL, For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Application ID | String | ID of the application report to retrieve. | Yes |
File Path | String | Path of file to write report info to. For example, C:/reports/ | Yes |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
Scan Name | String | The name of the scan within the application. The format is {scanName}({scanFIID} ). For example, Test Scan (171). |
No |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
Retrieve Report
For Plugin v24 and above: Reports are saved as a json files named [reportFIID]-Summary.json.
Upto Plugin v23:Retrieve report pack summary and specific report information from AppScan Enterprise. Reports are saved as a xml files named [reportFIID]-Summary.xml and [reportFIID]-[reportName].xml
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL. For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
Report Destination | String | Folder path to save the report file. Default location is the working directory. Example: C:/reports/. The full file path will be saved as an output property. | No |
Report FIID | String | FIID of the report pack to retrieve. This is found in the reports URL. | Yes |
Report Name | String | The name of the report within the report pack to retrieve the issue counts. If empty, then no report counts will be retrieved. | No |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
Run Scan
Run an AppScan security scan.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL. For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
Reports FIID | String | FIID of the report pack associated with the scan.If not given, step may finish before waiting for report pack to complete. This is found in the reports URL. | No |
Retries | String | The number of times to retry running the scan, in case of failure. | No |
Scan FIID | String | FIID of the scan to run. This is found in the scans URL. | Yes |
Timeout | String | Timeout, in minutes, at which the step will fail if the scan is not yet complete. Minimum is 5 minutes. | No |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
Wait for Scan
Wait for an AppScan Scan to complete.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
AppScan Enterprise URL | String | AppScan Enterprise Control Center URL, For example, https://localhost/ | Yes |
Password | Password | Password to log into ASE. | Yes |
Scan FIID | String | FIID of the scan to wait for. This is found in the scan URL. | Yes |
Timeout | String | Timeout, in minutes, at which the step will fail if the scan is not yet complete. By Default It will wait for 5 minutes. Large Value like 200000 recommended when the expected time is not known. | No |
User | String | Username to log into ASE. | Yes |
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