Use the Generate Multiple Artifact Information plug-in to generate one or more multiple properties from z/OS artifacts. The plug-in extracts data based on filters.
This examples demonstrates using the plug-in to extract data based on filters to generate multiple templates in JSON format. The example is based on the version and containers shown below.
The sample JSON contains two templates assigned to properties Prop-DBRM and Prop-CICS.
"Prop-DBRM" : " BIND (${member}) LIBRARY(${dataset}) \n" ,
"Prop-CICS" : " CEMT SET PROGRAM(${member}) NEWC \n"
- Prop-DBRM contains each members bind statements for DB2 Binding process
- Prop-CICS contains RDO commands to set the latest copy of program in CICS
There is a CICS program under the COBOL container with name the CARP001 as shown below.
To filter COBOL and DBRM containers, the JSON template in Container filter JSON can be defined as:
"Prop-CICS" : "/.*COBOL/",
"Prop-DBRM" : "/.*DBRM/"
To filter member/resource name under the above container, the JSON template in Resource filter JSON can be defined as:
"Prop-CICS": "CARP001"
After the plug-in step completes, the following output is received. Please note that in addition to Prop-CICS and Prop-DBRM, we generate an additional count (Prop-CICS-count and Prop-DBRM-count) that can be used with a “switch” step in the component process to decide whether to do a bind or not.
Similarly, you can deploy and custom property filters to create a template with only selected elements.
Watch video in link below on how to migrate from regular generate artifact information step to multi artifact information step –