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  • Deployment Action filter is applicable only if Backup is enabled in Deploy Data Sets step
  • Deployment Action filter is applicable only for loop types Sequential Datasets or PDS Members
  • Target Dataset Name filter is applicable for only Dataset/PDS Member loop types

Generate Multiple Artifact Information

Generate multiple text information for selected version artifacts. The information is sent to the output properties for use by later steps.

Name Type Description Required Property Name
Container Name Filter JSON String The filter to limit Source datasets in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash (/). For example, /.*LOAD/ matches any text that ends with LOAD. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. No srcDatasetName
Custom Properties Filter JSON String The filter to limit Custom properties in the template for an output property. Specify each filter in the format: propertyName=valueFilter and separate each filter with a newline character. A property without a value selects all artifacts related to the specified property. Java regular expression matching is used if the filter begins and ends with a forward slash (/). For example, developer=/M.*/ matches artifacts for the developer property where the value of the property starts with M. No custProperties
Deploy Type Filter JSON String The filter to limit Deploy Types in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash (/). For example, specify /.*SRC.*/ to match any text that contains SRC. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. No deployTypeName
Deployment action Filter JSON String The filter to limit target datasets and members based on type of deployment action performed. Possible action values are ‘created’ or ‘updated’. For example: If the action value is set to ‘created’ then artifacts which are newly created in target environment are selected. Note: Action values are case insensitive. If value is empty or no value is passed then both ‘created’ and ‘updated’ artifacts are selected. No deployAction
For Each Enumeration:
1) PDS member
2) PDS
3) Sequential Dataset
4) Deleted PDS member
5) Deleted PDS member - excluding missing members
6) Deleted PDS
7) Deleted sequential Dataset
8) Directory
9) File
10) Deleted File
11) Generic Artifact Group
12) Generic Artifact
Generate information for each of the selected artifact type. Yes loopType
Order By Enumeration:
Order by Ascending,Descending, or Shiplist order. Yes orderBy
Resource Name Filter JSON String The filter to limit PDS Members in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash(/). For example, /PGM.*/ matches any text that starts with PGM. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. No memberName
Target Data Set Name Filter JSON String The filter to limit Target datasets in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash(/). For example, /.*LOAD/ matches any text that ends with LOAD. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. No datasetName
Template JSON String Define template for each output property to generate customized text. Subsequent steps can access the customized text with ${p:Step-Name/output-property-name}. For example: if the step name is ‘Bind Card Generator’ and output property is ‘CicsBindText’ then the property can be referred in subsequent steps as ${p:Bind Card Generator/CicsBindText}. Add separators like comma or newline using character ‘,’ or ‘\n’ in the template as needed.
Use ${propname} to access custom properties.
The following built-in properties are available:
${sourceDataset} for the source dataset name
${dataset} for the target dataset name
${member} for the member name
${deployType} for the deployment type
${artifactGroup} for the generic artifact group name
${artifact} for the generic artifact name
${directory} for the source directory name
${file} for the file name
${inputsUrl} for the url of the inputs
All property names are case-sensitive. Do not use the built-in names for custom properties.
Yes templateText