- Deployment Action filter is applicable only if Backup is enabled in Deploy Data Sets step
- Deployment Action filter is applicable only for loop types Sequential Datasets or PDS Members
- Target Dataset Name filter is applicable for only Dataset/PDS Member loop types
Generate Multiple Artifact Information
Generate multiple text information for selected version artifacts. The information is sent to the output properties for use by later steps.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Property Name |
Container Name Filter JSON | String | The filter to limit Source datasets in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash (/). For example, /.*LOAD/ matches any text that ends with LOAD. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. | No | srcDatasetName |
Custom Properties Filter JSON | String | The filter to limit Custom properties in the template for an output property. Specify each filter in the format: propertyName=valueFilter and separate each filter with a newline character. A property without a value selects all artifacts related to the specified property. Java regular expression matching is used if the filter begins and ends with a forward slash (/). For example, developer=/M.*/ matches artifacts for the developer property where the value of the property starts with M. | No | custProperties |
Deploy Type Filter JSON | String | The filter to limit Deploy Types in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash (/). For example, specify /.*SRC.*/ to match any text that contains SRC. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. | No | deployTypeName |
Deployment action Filter JSON | String | The filter to limit target datasets and members based on type of deployment action performed. Possible action values are ‘created’ or ‘updated’. For example: If the action value is set to ‘created’ then artifacts which are newly created in target environment are selected. Note: Action values are case insensitive. If value is empty or no value is passed then both ‘created’ and ‘updated’ artifacts are selected. | No | deployAction |
For Each | Enumeration: 1) PDS member 2) PDS 3) Sequential Dataset 4) Deleted PDS member 5) Deleted PDS member - excluding missing members 6) Deleted PDS 7) Deleted sequential Dataset 8) Directory 9) File 10) Deleted File 11) Generic Artifact Group 12) Generic Artifact |
Generate information for each of the selected artifact type. | Yes | loopType |
Order By | Enumeration: ASC DESC SHIPLIST |
Order by Ascending,Descending, or Shiplist order. | Yes | orderBy |
Resource Name Filter JSON | String | The filter to limit PDS Members in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash(/). For example, /PGM.*/ matches any text that starts with PGM. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. | No | memberName |
Target Data Set Name Filter JSON | String | The filter to limit Target datasets in template for an output property. Specify the filter as a Java regular expression matching which must begin and end with a forward slash(/). For example, /.*LOAD/ matches any text that ends with LOAD. If the filter is not a regular expression, exact matching is used. | No | datasetName |
Template JSON | String | Define template for each output property to generate customized text. Subsequent steps can access the customized text with ${p:Step-Name/output-property-name} . For example: if the step name is ‘Bind Card Generator’ and output property is ‘CicsBindText’ then the property can be referred in subsequent steps as ${p:Bind Card Generator/CicsBindText} . Add separators like comma or newline using character ‘,’ or ‘\n’ in the template as needed. Use ${propname} to access custom properties. The following built-in properties are available: ${sourceDataset} for the source dataset name${dataset} for the target dataset name${member} for the member name${deployType} for the deployment type${artifactGroup} for the generic artifact group name${artifact} for the generic artifact name${directory} for the source directory name${file} for the file name${inputsUrl} for the url of the inputsAll property names are case-sensitive. Do not use the built-in names for custom properties. |
Yes | templateText |