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Rally - Usage

To use the Rally plug-in, the plug-in must be loaded and an instance created before you can configure the plug-in integration. Configuration properties are defined using the product user interface or a JSON file.

Integration type

The Rally plug-in supports scheduled events integration. There is only one scheduled event which is described in the following table.

Name Description
syncRallyDataEvent Queries the Rally server for stories and defects to import into DevOps Velocity issues. If the Rally data already exists as an issue, the issue is updated.


There are two methods to integrate the plug-in:

The tables in the Configuration Properties topic describe the properties used to define the integration.

Using the user interface

  1. From the Plugins page, click Settings > Integrations > Plugins.
  2. Under the Action column for the plug-in, click Add Integration.
  3. On the Add Integration page enter values for the fields used to configure the integration and define communication.
  4. Click Save.

Using a JSON file

The JSON file contains the information for creating a value stream. Within the JSON file is a section for integrations. It is in this section that plug-in properties can be defined.

  1. From a value stream page, download the value stream map. The value stream map is a JSON file used to define integrations.
  2. Edit the JSON file to include the plug-in configuration properties.
  3. Save and upload the JSON file. This replaces the current JSON file with the new content.
  4. View the new integration on the Integrations page.

Configuration Properties

The following tables describe the properties used to configure the integration. Each table contains the field name when using the user interface and the property name when using a JSON file.

General Configuration Properties

Name Description Required Property Name
NA The version of the plug-in that you want to use. To view available versions, click the Version History tab. If a value is not specified, the latest version is used. No image
Integration Name An assigned name to the value stream. Yes name
Logging Level The level of Log4j messages to display in the log file. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace. No loggingLevel
NA List of configuration properties used to connect and communicate with the Rally server. Enclose the properties within braces. Yes properties
  The name of the tenant. Yes tenant_id
NA Unique identifier assigned to the plug-in. The value for the Rally plug-in is ucv-ext-rally Yes type

Rally Configuration Properties

Name Type Description Required Project Name
API Token Secure The API token used to authenticate with the Rally server. You must specify a value for either this property or username and password properties. No apiKey
Projects Array A list of Rally project names to import data. No projects
Password Secure The password used to authenticate with the Rally server. Specify either the username and password properties or the apiKey property. No password
URL String The URL of the Rally server. The default is Yes baseUrl
User Name String The user name used to authenticate with the Rally server. Specify either the username and password properties or the apiKey property. No username
ucvAccessKey Secure The user access key used to authenticate with the IBM DevOps Velocity server. Yes ucvAccessKey
Workspace String The name of the Rally workspace to use on request. This property is required if you are not using a default workspace. No workspace
Proxy Server String The URL of the proxy server including the port number. No proxyServer
Proxy User Name String The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server. No proxyUsername
Proxy Password String The password used to authenticate with the proxy server. No proxyPassword


The following example can be used as as template to include the Rally plug-in integration into the JSON file. Copy and paste the template into the JSON file and make the appropriate changes.

"integrations": [
"type": "ucv-ext-rally",
"name": "my-rally",

"tenant_id": "5ade13625558f2c6688d15ce",
"logginglevel": "log_level_value",
        "baseUrl": "",
        "username": "my_username",
        "password": "my_password",
        "workspace": "Workspace1",
        "projects": [
            "Sample Project"
        "logLevel": "info",
        "proxyServer": "proxy_server_url_with_port",
        "proxyUsername": "proxy_server_user_name",
        "proxyPassword": "proxy_server_password"
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