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Apache JMeter - Usage

The Apache JMeter plug-in provides for integration with a JMeter server. To use the plug-in, the plug-in must be loaded and an instance created. Load the plug-in into the DevOps Velocity container if necessary. From the user interface, click Settings > **Integrations** > Plugins. On the Plugins page, locate the plug- in and click Load Plugin. To create an instance, locate the plug-in and click Install. The plug-in is now listed below those plug-ins to be installed and available for invoking.

To gather data from the JMeter server, send an HTTP Post request with the data to parse. Whenever a there is a hit to the endpoint, the data is parsed and displayed as metrics in DevOps Velocity. You can use various methods such as Postman, REST calls, CURL, and CI/CD tools like Jenkins to invoke the plug-in endpoints.

Integration type

The JMeter plug-in is a parser type plug-in. It parses data from a JMeter CSV and XML data.

Invoking the plug-in

You can invoke the plug-in manually using a REST Call or by using a Jenkins plug-in to integrate DevOps Velocity in a Jenkins environment.

Invoke using Jenkins plug-in

Install the DevOps Velocity plug- in into your Jenkins server. In your freestyle job or pipeline use the UCV-Upload Metrics File to DevOps Velocity step and provide the required fields. This step allows your build job to upload generated coverage results files to DevOps Velocity.


pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('jmeterMetrics') {
steps {
step([$class: 'UploadMetricsFile',  appName:
'My Jmeter Test', dataFormat: 'jmeterXML', filePath: '<location of the jmeter report>', name: 'my-jmeter-test',
pluginType: 'jmeter', tenantId: '<tenant Id>', testSetName: 'jmeter', metricsRecordUrl: "``${env.BUILD_URL}``"])


Invoke the plug-in using a Rest call

When using a REST call to invoke the Code Coverage plug-in, it must be a POST method and include the location of the DevOps Velocity quality data endpoint.

The following request sample shows a REST call that you can copy and update as necessary. Key points about the snippet:

URL: https://<url_devopsvelocity_server>/reporting-consumer/metrics
payload: <payload_json_object_string> // See below for schema format

The following shows the schema for the payload. Replace the angle brackets with your values for the parameters.

"tenant_id": "<tenant_id>",    // required Tenant ID
"<metric_name>", // optional: name for recurring test set
"application": {
"name": "<application_name>"  //Name
of application
"record": {
"recordName": "<record_name>", // optional: Name for this record

"executionDate": 1547983466015, // optional: UNIX Epoch
"pluginType": "jmeter",
"dataFormat": "jmeterXML",  //
jmeter xml
"metricsRecordUrl": "<Jenkins_build_url>" // optional: To link the Jenkins build with test results

"build": {  // Optional: One of the following fields must be included
"buildId": "<build_id>",

"jobExternalId": "<external_job_id>",
"url": "<build_url>",
"commitId": "<commit_id>",  // optional

"pullRequestId": "<pullrequest_id>", // optional
"environment": "<environment_name>" // optional

Example:Invoking using Curl

curl --request POST \
--url https:///reporting-
consu<er/metrics \
--form 'payload={
"tenant_id": "5ade13625558f2c6688d15ce",
"application": {
"My Application"
"record": {
"pluginType": "jmeter",
"dataFormat": "jmeterXML"
' \

--form testArtifact=@test-result/jmeter.xml

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