z/OS USS Utility - Process Steps
Deprecation Notice: The z/OS USS Utility plugin is deprecated. It is recommended to use
Replace Tokens
step fromFile Utils
plugin instead.
Replace Tokens USS
Replace tokens in files using properties.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Property Name |
Custom Encoding | String | Specify a character encoding to use. If blank, the replacement file is created with the local character encoding of the agent. Example encodings: UTF-8, US-ASCII, UCS-2, JIS X 0201, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, EUC. | No | customEncoding |
Directory Offset | String | The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to operate on. | No | dir |
End Token Delimiter | String | The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. | No | endDelimiter |
Exclude Files | String | A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the files to exclude. New lines will be replaced with commas. | No | excludes |
Explicit Tokens | String | A list, separated by newline characters, of explicit tokens to replace in the form of @token@->value or token->value. For example: if you specify @mytoken@->new_value, the step replaces @mytoken@ with new_value. The token delimiter and property prefix settings do not apply. If you specified a value in the Property List field, the explicit tokens are added as additional values to replace, and override any properties that have the same name. You cannot use regular expressions. | No | explicitTokens |
Include Files | String | A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the files to include. New lines will be replaced with commas. | Yes | includes |
Property File Name | String | The name of the file used to store the replacement name-value pairs. You can use an existing file. If the file does not exist, it is created and then removed when the step completes. | No | propFile |
Property List | String | The property used to determine the tokens to replace in the target file. For example, if you specify ${p:environment/allProperties} the names of all component environment properties are used as tokens and the property values as the replacements. Similarly, ${p:component/allProperties} ,${p:environment/allProperties} all components and component environment properties are used as tokens. The values specified on Start Token Delimiter and Property Prefix propeties apply. For example, if you specify @ for the start and end token delimiters and a property named token1 exists, the step searches for @token1@ to replace. |
No | envPropValues |
Property Prefix | String | Specify a prefix to use to determine which properties are included in token replacement. Leave blank to include all properties. | No | propertyPrefix |
Start Token Delimiter | String | The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. | No | startDelimiter |
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