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IBM DevOps Deploy Versions - Process Steps

Add Status to Version

Add a status to a Component Version

Name Type Description Required
Status String The status to be applied to the Component Version. No

Creates or removes a link on a component version which can direct users to supplementary information related to the execution.

Name Type Description Required
Component Name String Name or ID of the version’s component. Ignored if ‘Version ID’ is selected. No
Link Title String The link text which the user can click on. Yes
Make Priority Boolean When checked, prioritize the link by placing it in the page header for quicker access. No
URL String The website the user will be directed to when the link title is clicked. Yes
Version Name/ID String Name or ID of version where link will be assigned. Ignored if ‘Component’s latest version’ is selected Yes

Create Version

Create a Component Version and optionally upload files into it.

Name Type Description Required
Component Name String The name of the component whose version to remove the status from. Yes
Excludes String The patterns to exclude files to upload. No
Includes String The patterns to match files to upload. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire file tree underneath the dist directory. Yes
Save File Execute Bits Boolean When enabled, file execute bits are saved with the files. No
Upload Files Boolean Upload files from the current working directory to the version after creation? No
Version Name String The name of the version to remove the status from. Yes

Get Version Properties

Get the properties of a specific Version in the output properties of this step.

Name Type Description Required
Component String (Optional) The name or ID of the component whose version has desired properties. No
Version String The name or ID of the version with desired properties. If specifying a version name, you must specify a component. Yes

Remove Status from Version

Remove a status from a Component Version

Name Type Description Required
Status String The status to be removed from the Component Version. No
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