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IBM DevOps Deploy Environments - Process Steps

Add Base Resource To Environment

Adds a base resource to an environment as a deployment target.

Name Type Description Required
Application String Required unless you are specifying the environment by its ID. No
Environment String   Yes
Resource Path String   Yes

Add Environment To Team

Adds an environment or list of environments delimited by commas to a team for a given application and type classification.

Name Type Description Required
Application String Required unless you are specifying the environment by its ID. No
Environment/Environments String A comma delimited list of environment names/ids to add to the team. Yes
Team String   Yes
Type String The type classification to add. Leave blank to use the type Standard Environment. No

Check If Environment Exists

This step will succeed if the environment exists and fail if it does not.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not needed if you refer to environment by ID instead of name. No
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes

Create Environment

Creates an environment for the specified application.

Name Type Description Required
Append Unique Suffix Boolean Check this box if you want to guarantee your environment name is unique. No
Application Name String The name of the application the environment will be created for. Yes
Base Resource Path String Specify the path to a base resource to put the new environments resources in if using a blueprint. This field must be provided when using a blueprint. Example: /Provisioned Environments No
Blueprint Name String Specify a blueprint name if this environment should be created based on an application blueprint. No
Description String A description of of the environment to be created. No
Environment Name String The name of the environment to be created. Yes
Environment Profile String Specify the name of the environment profile to use to provision the new environment. This field is only valid for blueprints backed by resource templates imported from the cloud. No
Node Resource Properties String Properties that configure cloud resource nodes. Syntax: [node or script package name]/propertyName=propertyValue Examples: OS Node/HWAttributes.numvcpus=2install_ucd_agent/UCD_Agent_Name=newAgentName No
Properties String Properties to be set on the new environment, using Java property file syntax. No
Require Approvals Boolean Check this box if the environment will require approval from an approval process to install versions or snapshots. No

Create Environment Property

Create a property for an application environment.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not needed if you refer to environment by ID instead of name. No
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes
Property Name String name of the property to set. Yes
Property Value String value of the property to set. No
Secure Boolean check if the property should be secure. No

Create Environment from Template

Creates an environment from a template for the specified application.

Name Type Description Required
Application ID String The Application ID where the environment will be created. Yes
Description String A description of of the environment to be created. No
Environment Name String The name of the environment to be created. Yes
Environment Template ID String The ID of the environment template. The Environment Template ID or Name is required. No
Environment Template Name String The name of the environment template. The Environment Template ID or Name is required. No

Create Multiple Environments

Creates multiple environments using JSON format. Outputs a comma delimited list of the environment UUIDs that were created (environment.ids).

Name Type Description Required
JSON File/Text String Specify a body of JSON text or a file to define Environments. Separate multiple JSON objects by using commas within an array, e.g. [{},{},{}``]. Yes

Delete Environment

Deletes an environment.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not needed if you refer to environment by ID instead of name. No
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes

Get Component Environment Properties

Get the name-value pairs of all component environment properties and sets them as output properties for this step. Secure property values cannot be resolved.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not needed if you refer to environment by ID instead of name. No
Component String name/ID of the component. Yes
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes

Get Environment Details

Retrieve basic configuration information about a environment.

Name Type Description Required
Application String Application name or ID. (Required when using a name for the environment instead of its ID) Yes
Environment String Environment name or ID Yes

Get Environment Properties

Get the name-value pairs of all environment properties and sets them as output properties for this step. Secure property values cannot be resolved.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not needed if you refer to environment by ID instead of name. No
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes

Get Latest Version By Environment and Component

Gets the latest Version of a Component in a given Environment

Name Type Description Required
Application String Required Application Name No
Component String Required Component Name No
Environment String Required Environment Name No

Set Component Environment Property

Sets an environment-specific property value for a component. The property must already exist.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not required if you specify environment by ID instead of name. No
Component String name/ID of the component that the environment belongs to. Yes
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes
Property Name String name of the property to set. Yes
Property Value String value of the property to set. No

Verify Inventory Status

Verifies that the environment has a component with a certain version in inventory.

Name Type Description Required
Application String name/ID of the application that the environment belongs to. Not needed if you refer to environment by ID instead of name. No
Component String name/ID of the component to verify. Yes
Environment String name/ID of the environment. If you specify ID you dont need to specify the application. Yes
Status String The inventory entry must match this status (case sensitive). Default possible statuses are Active or Staged, but custom statuses are also possible. Yes
Version String name of the version to verify. Yes
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