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IBM MQ for z/OS - Generate MQSC Commands - Process Steps


Generate MQSC Commands

Generate MQSC commands from the base, overrides and properties files.

Name Type Description Required
Base File Name Filter String Specify a base file name filter using a regular expression. For example: .*.mqdef_base for base files with a type of mqdef_base. Yes
File Sub Folders String Specify a list of sub folders that contain the base, overrides and properties files. Specify each sub folder on a new line and do not include leading or trailing file separators. Yes
Overrides File Type String Specify a file type for the overrides file. Overrides files are identified by concatenating the base file name with the overrides file type. Yes
Properties File Type String Specify a file type for the properties file. Properties files are identified by concatenating the base file name with properties file type. Yes
Target Environment Name String Specify The name of the target environment that resources are to be deployed to. By default, this field is set to variable: ${} so that its value is automatically resolved to the name of the target environment at deployment time. There is no need to change this value. Yes
User Data String Specify Any user data that is to be included with the generated MQSC. By default, this field is set to variables: ${} ${} so that the name and version of the component being deployed are included as comments in generated MQSC. This is to help identify which version of a component was deployed to generate the MQSC commands. . No
Name Type Description
mqscResourceDefinitions String Set to the MQSC form of the resource definitions. This property is used as input to the next step in the UCD process.
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