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GitLab Generic Packages - Usage


Before you use the plug-in, ensure that:


You will need to define an DevOps Deploy component which defines the source and processes for the GitLab Generic Packages. The component contains the information for importing the artifacts and any processes to implement on the artifacts.

When creating the component, supply information described on the GitLab Generic Packages Component Properties step. After the component is created use the Components page in the user interface to import a version of the artifacts if automatic import is not selected.

To create a component, complete the following steps. For more information about creating a component, see Creating components in the product documentation.

  1. In DevOps Deploy, click Components and then click Create Component.
  2. In the Create Component window, specify a name and description for the component.
  3. In the Source Config Type list, select GitLab Generic Packages.
  4. Specify the properties for the component. See Steps for property descriptions.
  5. Specify the type of version to create by default on version import.
  6. Click Save.
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