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GitLab Generic Packages - Process Steps

GitLab Generic Packages Component Properties

Download all files under a specified version of a repository.

Name Type Description Required
Server URL String The Base URL and port for the GitLab server. Yes
Access Token String The access token to use to authenticate with the GitLab server. No
Project Id String The project ID in GitLab. Yes
Package Name Boolean The exact name of package that must match to import a specific package. Yes
Status String The package status. No
File Includes String A list of file patterns to include in the component. Separate each pattern with a new line or comma. To include all files, leave blank or type */. No
File Excludes String A list of file patterns to exclude from the component. Separate each pattern with a new line or comma. No
Extensions of files to Convert String If text-type files must be converted into another character set, type the list of file extensions to be converted. Matching file types are converted into the default or system character set of the system where the agent is located. Separate list items with commas. No
Log4j Logging Level Boolean Configure the level of Log4j messages to output to the console. Specify the logging level as ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or OFF. No
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