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Argo CD - Process Steps

App Create

Create an Argo CD application.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD Application Name String The name of the Argo CD application to create. Yes
Additional application create flags String A list of flags to set when running the application create step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

App Get

Get information about an Argo CD application.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD Application Name String The name of the Argo CD application to get information on. Yes
Additional application get flags String A list of flags to set when running the application get step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

App Rollback

Rollback an Argo CD application to a previous deployed version.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD Application Name String The name of the Argo CD application to rollback. Yes
Argo CD Application History ID String The Argo CD application history ID to rollback to. Yes
Additional application rollback flags String A list of flags to set when running the application rollback step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

App Set

Set Argo CD application parameters.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD Application Name String The name of the Argo CD application to modify. Yes
Additional application set flags String A list of flags to set when running the application set step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

App Sync

Sync an Argo CD application.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD Application Name String The name of the Argo CD application to sync. Yes
Additional application sync flags String A list of flags to set when running the application sync step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes
Component Template String The name of the Argo CD application to sync. Yes


Login to an Argo CD instance.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD Server String The name or IP address of the Argo CD server to login to. Yes
User Name String The username of an account to authenticate. Yes
Password String The password of an account to authenticate. Yes
Additional login flags String A list of flags to set when running the login step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

AppSet Create

Create one or more Argo CD ApplicationSets.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD ApplicationSet Configuration Filename or URL String Configuration filename or URL used to create the ApplicationSet. Yes
Additional appset create flags String A list of flags to set when running the appset create step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

AppSet Delete

Delete one or more Argo CD ApplicationSets.

Name Type Description Required
Name(s) of Argo CD ApplicationSet(s) String A list of ApplicationSet name(s) to delete. Specify each name on a new line. Yes
Additional appset delete flags String A list of flags to set when running the appset delete step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

AppSet List

List one or more Argo CD ApplicationSets.

Name Type Description Required
Additional appset list flags String A list of flags to set when running the appset list step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes

AppSet Get

Get Argo CD ApplicationSet.

Name Type Description Required
Argo CD ApplicationSet Name String The name of the Argo CD ApplicationSet to get. Yes
Additional appset get flags String A list of flags to set when running the appset get step. For example: ‘–config=path’. Specify each flag on a new line. If the flag takes an argument, put the argument on a separate line or use an equal ‘=’ (not whitespace) between the flag and argument. Yes
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