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WebSphere Application Server - Deployment - Roles

The plug-in adds these roles automatically to resources. You cannot add these roles manually.


Role for resources that represent a Portal Server.

Name Type Description Property
Portal administrator password Password The Portal Server administrator password to use. ${p?:resource/portal.admin.password}
Portal administrator user name String The Portal Server administrator user to use. ${p?:resource/portal.admin.user}
Portal configuration Port String The Portal Server transport port number used to access the host. ${p?:resource/portal.config.port}
Portal installation directory String The path to the directory where the Portal Server is installed. ${p?:resource/portal.home}
Portal profile directory String The path to the directory where the Portal Server profile resides. ${p?:resource/portal.profile.home}
Server Host String The host where Portal Server resides. ${p?:resource/}
Server Name String The name of the WebSphere Application Server that this resource represents. ${p?:resource/websphere.server}
Websphere administrator password Password The Websphere administrator password to use. ${p?:resource/websphere.password}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere Cell

Name Type Description Property
Bi Di Text Direction String The bidi text direction for this WebSphere cell. Acceptable values are: LTR, RTL, CONTEXTUAL. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.biditextdirection}
Cell Discovery Protocol String The cell discovery protocol for this WebSphere cell. Acceptable values are: UDP, TCP, MULTICAST. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.celldiscoveryprotocol}
Cell Registered Boolean The cell registered for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.cellregistered}
Cell Type String The cell type for this WebSphere cell. Acceptable values are: DISTRIBUTED, STANDALONE. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.celltype}
Discovery Address Endpoint Name String The discovery address endpoint name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.discoveryaddressendpointname}
Enable Bi Di Boolean Enable bidi for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.enablebidi}
Multicast Discovery Address Endpoint Name String The multicast discovery address endpoint name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.multicastdiscoveryaddressendpointname}
Name String The name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.shortname}
WSAdmin Command Path String The path to the directory where the wsadmin tool resides. ${p?:resource/websphere.commandPath}
WebSphere Configuration File String The configuration file that stores the configuration data for the cell. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.configurationfile}
WebSphere Configuration Types String A list, separated by commas or newline characters, of the configuration types to be available for Configuration Discovery and Apply steps. ${p?:resource/websphere.cell.configurationtypes}
WebSphere Connection Type String The connection type to use with the wsadmin tool. Acceptable values are: SOAP, RMI, and NONE ${p?:resource/websphere.connType}
WebSphere Host String The host to connect to with the wsadmin tool. ${p?:resource/}
WebSphere Password Password The WebSphere password to use. ${p?:resource/websphere.password}
WebSphere Port String The port to connect to with the wsadmin tool. ${p?:resource/websphere.port}
WebSphere Profile Path String The path to the directory where the profile for the cell resides. ${p?:resource/websphere.profilePath}
WebSphere User String The WebSphere user to use. ${p?:resource/websphere.user}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere server cluster.

Name Type Description Property
Cluster Address String The cluster address for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.clusteraddress}
Description String The description for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.description}
Enable Cluster Addressing Boolean The Enable Cluster Addressing property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.enableclusteraddressing}
Enable H A Boolean The Enable H A property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.enableha}
Jsf Provider String The JSF provider for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.jsfprovider}
Name String The name for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.cluster}
Node Group Name String The node group name for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.nodegroupname}
Prefer Local Boolean The Prefer Local property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.preferlocal}
Prefetch D W L M Table Boolean The Prefetch D W L M Table property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.prefetchdwlmtable}
Server I O Timeout Retry String The Server I/O Timeout Retry property for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.serveriotimeoutretry}
Server Type String The server type for this WebSphere server cluster. Acceptable values are: PROXY_SERVER, APPLICATION_SERVER, ONDEMAND_ROUTER. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.servertype}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere server cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.servercluster.shortname}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere dynamic cluster.

Name Type Description Property
Isolation Group String The isolation group for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.isolationgroup}
Max Instances String The Max Instances property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.maxinstances}
Max Nodes String The Max Nodes property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.maxnodes}
Membership Policy String The membership policy for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.membershippolicy}
Min Instances String The Min Instances property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.mininstances}
Min Nodes String The Min Nodes property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.minnodes}
Name String The name for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/}
Num Vertical Instances String The Num Vertical Instances property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.numverticalinstances}
Operational Mode String The operational mode for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.operationalmode}
Server Inactivity Time String The Server Inactivity Time property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.serverinactivitytime}
Server Type String The server type for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.servertype}
Strict Isolation Enabled String The Strict Isolation Enabled property for this WebSphere dynamic cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.dynamiccluster.strictisolationenabled}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere node

Name Type Description Property
Discovery Protocol String The discovery protocol for this WebSphere node. Acceptable values are: UDP, TCP, MULTICAST. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.discoveryprotocol}
Host Name String The host name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.hostname}
Max File Permission For Apps String The maximum file permissions for applications for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.maxfilepermissionforapps}
Name String The name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node}
Profile Name String The profile name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.profilename}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere node. ${p?:resource/websphere.node.shortname}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere node group.

Name Type Description Property
Description String The description for this WebSphere node group. ${p?:resource/websphere.nodegroup.description}
Name String The name for this WebSphere node group. ${p?:resource/}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere node group. ${p?:resource/websphere.nodegroup.shortname}


Role for resources that represents a WebSphere server

Name Type Description Property
Adjust Port String The adjust port for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.adjustport}
Change Group After Startup String The Change Group After Startup property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.changegroupafterstartup}
Change User After Startup String The Change User After Startup property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.changeuserafterstartup}
Cluster Name String The cluster name for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.clustername}
Development Mode Boolean The development mode for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.developmentmode}
EndPoint Port Mappings String A list, separated by newline characters, of endpoint name to base port mappings for each node. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.endpointportmappings}
Model Id String The model ID for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.modelid}
Name String The name for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server}
Node List String A comma-separated list of node names to add to the cluster. The nodes must already exist ${p?:resource/websphere.server.nodelist}
Parallel Start Enabled Boolean The Parallel Start Enabled property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.parallelstartenabled}
Provision Components Boolean The Provision Components property for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.provisioncomponents}
Server Count String The number of servers to create per node within the cluster. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.servercount}
Server Name Formats String A list of server name formats, separated by newline characters. Use the following form: nodename->pattern. Patterns can contain %c, %n and %i where %c represents the clustername, %n represents the nodename, and %i is the index. The values for the pattern can be specified in any order. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.servernameformats}
Server Type String The server type for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.servertype}
Short Name String The short name for this WebSphere server. ${p?:resource/websphere.server.shortname}
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