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IBM WebSphere Liberty


The IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile is a lightweight configuration of IBM WebSphere Application Server. It provides rapid deployment of applications for use in the development process.

This plug-in includes steps that are related to working with servers in the profile, such as the following steps:

The plug-in also includes steps that install, update, and uninstall applications:

The following plug-in steps are related to working with Liberty collectives:

The following plug-in steps are related to working with the Liberty server configuration:


This plug-in requires version 6.0 or later of IBM DevOps Deploy.

This plug-in was tested with WebSphere Liberty profile versions


No special steps are required for installation. See Installing plug-ins in IBM DevOps products.

To use the Wait for Application to be STARTED step, you must complete the following steps to configure the REST connector for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile:


Watch and learn: Create a WebSphere Liberty collective and deploy applications using DevOps Deploy. See the related example: Creating a collective and installing a simple application.


Version 23

Version 22

Version 19

Version 18

Version 17

Version 16

This release includes the following fix:

Version 15

This release includes the following fix:

Version 14

This release includes the following fix:

Version 13

This release includes the following fix:

Version 12.891854

This release includes the following fix:

Version 10.848664

This release includes the following features and fixes:

Version 9.828195

This release includes the following features and fixes:

Version 8.802646

This release includes the following features and fixes:

Version 7.778014

This release includes the following features and fixes:

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