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Apache Tomcat - Process Steps

Check Application Status

Check the status of a deployed application against an expected status.

Name Type Description Required
Expected Status Enumeration The expected status of the application. If the application does not have this status, this step will fail. Yes
Tomcat Application String The path of the application to check the status of. This is case-sensitive. For example: /docs Yes
Tomcat Manager Password Password The password to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager URL String The URL of the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager User Name String The user name to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes

Deploy Application

Deploy a web application to Tomcat.

Name Type Description Required
Context Name String The context that is being deployed. Yes
Context XML path String The path of the context configuration file for this application, if any. No
Tomcat Manager Password Password The password to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager URL String The URL of the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager User Name String The user name to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
War File Path String The path to the WAR file to be deployed. Yes

Start Application

Start a web application that is deployed on Tomcat.

Name Type Description Required
Context Name String The context that is being deployed. Yes
Tomcat Manager Password Password The password to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager URL String The URL of the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager User Name String The user name to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes

Start Tomcat

Start Tomcat on the agent machine.

Name Type Description Required
Catalina Base String The path name of the Tomcat instance to be used. Provide a value if you want to overwrite the CATALINA_BASE environment variable or no value is available. No
Catalina Home String The path name to the Tomcat installation directory. Provide a value if you want to overwrite the CATALINA_HOME environment variable or no value is available. No
Hostname String The host server that the specified Tomcat instance is listening on. If the instance is not listening on localhost, provide the hostname where the host server can be reached when it is running. Use this property only if you are waiting for Tomcat to complete the boot sequence. The default value of localhost is used if no value is specified. No
Java Home String The location of the Java installation. Provide a value if you want to overwrite the JAVA_HOME environment variable or no value is available. No
Launcher String The location of the Tomcat startup script, for example, /opt/tomcat/bin/ Yes
Options String A new line separated list of additional options to pass to the startup script. No
Port String The port that the step uses to detect when the Tomcat instance is running. You can specify any of the connector ports that your instance is configured with. No
Startup timeout (in seconds) String The value that the step uses to wait for the Tomcat instance to complete the boot process before continuing. You must provide a port value, which is used to detect when the boot process is complete. No

Stop Application

Stop a deployed web application on Tomcat.

Name Type Description Required
Context Name String The context that is being stopped. Yes
Tomcat Manager Password Password The password to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager URL String The URL of the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager User Name String The user name to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes

Stop Tomcat

Stop Tomcat on the agent computer.

Name Type Description Required
Catalina Base String Provide a value if you want to overwrite the CATALINA_BASE environment variable or if one is not available. No
Catalina Home String Provide a value if you want to overwrite the CATALINA_HOME environment variable or if one is not available. No
Hostname String If your Tomcat instance is not listening on localhost then provide the hostname where it can be reached when its running. Use this property only if you are waiting for Tomcat to complete the shutdown sequence. The default value of localhost is used if no value is specified. No
Java Home String Provide a value if you want to overwrite the JAVA_HOME environment variable or if one is not available. No
Launcher String The location of the shutdown executable file, for example, /opt/tomcat/bin/ Yes
Options String A new line separated list of command line options to pass to the launcher. No
Port String Enter a port for the step to use to detect when the Tomcat instance is stopped. You can specify any of the connector ports that your instance is configured with. No
Shutdown timeout (in seconds) String Enter a value to have the step to wait for the Tomcat instance to complete the shutdown sequence before continuing. You have to provide a port value lower than the port value used to detect when the shutdown process is complete. No

Undeploy Application

Undeploy a web application on Tomcat.

Name Type Description Required
Context Name String The context that is being deployed. Yes
Tomcat Manager Password Password The password to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager URL String The URL of the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
Tomcat Manager User Name String The user name to use to log in to the Tomcat Manager interface. Yes
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