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IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT) - Usage

Example: Running functional tests

Use the Rational Functional Tester plug-in to continuously initiate the launch of functional tests from IBM DevOps Deploy.

Before you begin

About the task

As a tester, you might have a large number of regression tests to be run against the latest builds of a product. Instead of manually running the tests against every new build, you can install the latest build on an IBM DevOps Deploy Agent computer and let it automatically start the tests for you.

After deploying the Functional Tester plug-in on the DevOps Deploy server, create component and its processes, applications and its processes, environments, and resources. For information about how to create and configure these pieces, see the IBM DevOps Deploy documentation.

Example: Running functional tests

After deployment, the DevOps Deploy plug-in for Rational Functional Tester is available at Rational Test Workbench > Functional Tester > Run Functional Test on the DevOps Deploy server. The plug-in for Rational Functional Tester includes only a single step:Run Functional Tests. The component process runs afunctional script that is part of a Rational Functional Tester project previously stored on an DevOps Deploy agent.

To create a workflow, do the following tasks:

  1. Click the component process. The Tools view displays the available plugin steps.
  2. From Functional Tester, drag the Run Functional Tests step into the design space.
  3. Specify the properties for the step. For information about the properties, see the Steps page.
  4. After configuring the properties, save the step.

A basic process for a functional test plug-in is shown in the following snapshot:

Run functional tests basic flow


Video: Running functional tests

The following video shows how to use the Rational Functional Tester plug-in for DevOps Deploy to remotely run functional tests.

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