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IBM DevOps PHP CLI Tool - Setup

To run any of the commands provided by DevOps PHP CLI , a few steps are needed in order to make the scripts work properly

Setup configuration

In order to make the script work, a valid configuration is needed. This will be used for connecting to the DevOps Deploy server and to setup some default values that will be used when executing CLI commands.

You can either use the Setup Wizard, or manual setup, steps listed below.

Setup wizard

The easiest and fastest way to configure DevOps PHP CLI is to run the setup script, which will automatically set the values in the configuration file. If you want to manually edit the configuration file, please check section Manual Setup.

Run the setup script and follow the instruction in the console:

cd $uCommand


Setup script will prompt the user for:

Script will also check that

Java is installed

Manual setup

You can manually edit your configuration with your DevOps Deployserver information:

vi $uCommand/config/ucd.config.php

Required configuration

The configuration needs to be updated based on the need of the user and on the action that needs to be executed.

Weburl is the url of the DevOps Deployserver the tool will work on. It includes the port and http(s).

$config[weburl] =; // URL for uDeploy server (with port)

Java_home is the path of the Java binaries used to run the tool

$config[java_home] = ; // specify the path for java binaries

Then you set the username of the user that is running the various actions on the server. Provide here a user with sufficient permissions to run all the required tasks. This is your own user name, e.g.

$config[username] = ; // Your username for uDeploy

Login with tokens

Its possible to login using an authtoken generated by an administrator from the web UI under [DevOps Deployserver url]/#security/tokens

Generate a token

To generate an authtoken for your DevOps Deploy you need to login to the web UI as an administrator user.

If your account doesnt have administrator permissions, please contact the administrator of your DevOps Deploy server to get the followin steps done.

Navigate to [DevOps Deployserver url]/#security/tokens and click on Create New Token

In the dialog box, fill the form selecting

Set token in the configuration

Once the token is generated, get it from the list available in [DevOps Deploy server url]/#security/tokens, and set it in ucd.config.php

$config[authtoken] = ; // AuthToken for udclient

Please bear mind to use a token correspondingto the user set in the configuration and that is not expired.

Login with password (DEPRECATED)

If you have already set up tokens as the login method, you can skip to Optional configuration. Otherwise, its possible to login with username and password. This is not a secure way to do login, since the password will be hardcoded unencrypted in the configuration file.

$config[password] = {Your_Password}``; // Your password

You can either encode username and password using Base64 encoding. This is still not a secure way to login, since Base64 is easily reversible and your password will be exposed.

Login with Base64 encoding requires you to encode username and password in the following format:

$config[password] = ; // This should be empty

$config[b64_login] = base64_encode( {YOUR_USERNAME}:{YOUR\_PASSWORD} );

Login with cookies (DEPRECATED)

If you have already set up tokens or password as the login method, you can skip to Optional configuration. Otherwise you can also login using cookies, but this will require some additional steps.

Login to your DevOps Deployserver and save the cookies

curl -k -u [username] [DevOps Deploy server url:port] -c $WORKSPACE/ucdcookie.txt

Then edit the config so to have blank password and the correct cookie file

$config[password] = ; // This should be empty

$config[cookie_file] = $WORKSPACE/ucdcookie.txt;

Optional configuration

This configuration is not required for DevOps PHP CLI to run correctly, but it allows you to customise it for your needs.

$config[application] = ; // Application youre working on

$config[environment] = ; // Your Environment

$config[output] = ; // For backup function where to save exported files

$config[udcpath] = ; // Path where udclient java tool is saved. If blank, will take default

$config[silent] = false; // If true, no message is printed in the console

$config[json_check] = false; // If true, run a scan of exported files and verify that are valid JSON

$config[apply_impersonation] = ; // If true, apply impersonation

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