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Groovy - Usage

You can use the Groovy plug-in to run Groovy scripts as IBM DevOps Deploy process steps. See the Groovy website for information about creating a Groovy script.

Step palette

To access this plug-in in the palette, click Scripting.


You can use this plug-in to create a simple or complex step. For example, the following script obtains the date and time, formats that data, and passes it into an output variable that is named date. The output variable can be use in a later process step.

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
def today = new Date()
def formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd\_hh-mm-ss").format(today)
println "Setting output property 'date' to '$formattedDate'"
println "Access the time stamp in later steps using \``${p:NameOfThisStep/date}``"

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