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Chef - Overview

Chef is a tool for automating deployment tasks. The Chef plug-in includes a step that installs Chef and a step that uses Chef to install a Chef node on a system.

In the context of Chef automation, a node represents a computer system. A Chef node file includes a list of Chef recipes and roles. These recipes and roles point to automated tasks to run on the node.

To use this plug-in, first run the Install Chef step. Then, run the Install Chef Node step to configure the target system according to a Chef node file. You can run this step multiple times on the same target system to apply multiple Chef node files.


Version 1 of this plug-in requires version 6.0.0 of IBM DevOps Deploy.

This plug-in is supported to run on all operating systems that are supported by both the IBM DevOps Deploy agent (except for z/OS).

This plug-in is supported to run against Chef v11.6.0-1 or higher.


No special steps are required for installation. See Installing plug-ins in DevOps Deploy.

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