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Artifactory - Process steps

Download Latest Build for SNAPSHOT

Retrieve the latest build artifact within a SNAPSHOT.

Name Type Description Required Property Name
Api Key Password The api key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using api key, username and password will be ignored. No apiKey
Identity token Password The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. No identityKey
Artifactory Base URL String The base URL of the Artifactory server. For example: Yes url
Artifactory Repository String The repository in Artifactory where the build artifact resides. For example: libs-snapshot-local Yes repo
Classifier String The classifier of the version snapshot, if any. No classifier
File Extension String The file extension of the build artifact. For example: jar Yes extension
Password Password The password to authenticate with the Artifactory server. No password
Repo Path String The path (group ID and artifact ID) of the build artifact. For example: org.jfrog.test/multi2 Yes repoPath
User Name String The user name to authenticate with the Artifactory server. No username
Version String The version of the build artifact. For example: 3.8-SNAPSHOT Yes version

Download NuGet Package

Download a NuGet package from a NuGet repository.

Name Type Description Required Property Name
Api Key Password The api key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using api key, username and password will be ignored. No apiKey
Identity token Password The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. No identityKey
Artifactory Base URL String The base URL of the Artifactory server. For example: Yes artifactoryUrl
Packages String A list of packages to download, separated by newline characters. Use the following format: repoPath/version Yes artifacts
Repository Password Password The password to authenticate with Artifactory. No password
Repository User name String The user name to authenticate with Artifactory. No username
Verify Hash Boolean Select to verify hash values after the files are downloaded. No checkHash

Download version (Maven build)

Download all files under a specified version of a repository that was built with Maven.

Name Type Description Required Property Name
Api Key Password The api key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using api key, username and password will be ignored. No apiKey
Identity token Password The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. No identityKey
Artifactory Base URL String The base URL of the Artifactory server. For example: Yes artifactoryUrl
Excludes String The patterns to use for excluding files to download. No excludes
Includes String The patterns to use for including files to download. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire file tree underneath the dist directory. Yes includes
Repository Password Password The password to authenticate with Artifactory. No password
Repository User name String The user name to authenticate with Artifactory. No username
Repository name String The name of the repository. No repositoryName
Verify Hash Boolean Select to verify hash values after the files are downloaded. No checkHash
Versions String A list of versions to download, separated by newline characters. Use the following format: groupId/artifactId/version Yes artifacts

Download version (non-Maven build)

Download all files under specified version of a repository (non-Maven).

Name Type Description Required Property Name
Api Key Password The api key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using api key, username and password will be ignored. No apiKey
Identity token Password The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. No identityKey
Artifactory Base URL String The base URL of the Artifactory server. For example: Yes artifactoryUrl
Download Recursively Boolean Select this box to download files and folders in subfolders of versions. Requires Artifactory Pro edition or higher. No recursive
Excludes String The patterns to use for excluding files to download. No excludes
Includes String The patterns to use for including files to download. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire file tree underneath the dist directory. Yes includes
Repository Password Password The password to authenticate with Artifactory. No password
Repository User name String The user name to authenticate with Artifactory. No username
Repository name String The name of the repository. Yes repositoryName
Verify Hash Boolean Select to verify hash values after the files are downloaded. No checkHash
Versions String A list of folders and subfolders to download, separated by newline characters. Use the following format: path/to/artifact/version Yes artifacts

Promote Build

Change the status of a build, optionally moving or copying the build to a target repository.

Name Type Description Required Property Name
Api Key Password The api key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using api key, no username and password can be specified. No apiKey
Identity token Password The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. No identityKey
Artifactory Base URL String The base URL of the Artifactory server. For example: Yes url
Build Name String The name of the build to promote. Yes buildName
Build Number String The number of the build to promote. Yes buildNumber
CI User String User that invoked promotion from the CI server. No buildUser
Comment String Comment to describe the reason for promotion. No buildComment
Copy Boolean Select to copy instead of move when a target repository is specified. No buildCopy
Include Artifacts Boolean Select to move or copy the build artifacts. No buildArtifact
Include Dependencies Boolean Select to move or copy the build dependencies. No buildDepend
Password Password The password to authenticate with the Artifactory server. No password
Properties String A newline separated list of name=value properties to set on the promotion. For example: tester=Adam Boe. Specify multiple values per name with commas (escape commas with backslash \ to avoid this). For example: osVersions=Windows,Linux No buildProps
Source Repository String The source repository that contains the build artifacts to copy or move. Yes buildSource
Status String New build status. Yes buildStatus
Target Repository String The target repository for the build artifacts and dependencies. Yes buildTarget
User Name String The user name to authenticate with the Artifactory server. No username

Retrieve Build Artifacts Archive

Retrieve an archive file that contains all the artifacts for a specific build.

| Name | Type | Description | Required | Property Name | | — | — | — | — | — | | Api Key | Password | The API key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If you enter an API key, you cannot specify a user name and password. | No | apiKey | | Identity token | Password | The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. | No | identityKey | | Archive Type | Enumeration:

Set Item Properties

Attach properties to a file or folder.

Name Type Description Required Property Name  
Api Key Password The api key to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using api key, username and password will be ignored. No apiKey  
Identity token Password The Identity token to authenticate with the Artifactory server. If using Identity token, api key, username and password will be ignored. No identityKey  
Artifact Path String The path to the artifact to set properties on. For example: libs-release-local/org/jfrog/multi1/2.7-SNAPSHOT Yes path  
Artifactory Base URL String The base URL of the Artifactory server. For example: Yes url  
Password Password The password to authenticate with the Artifactory server. No password  
Properties String Specify a list of properties to set. Place each entry on a separate line. Use the following format: key=value. Separate multiple values for a key with commas, and add a backslash () before the following special characters: comma (,), backslash(), vertical bar ( ), and equal sign (=). Do not use a backslash before the equal sign between the key and the value or before commas used to separate multiple values. For example: osVersions=Windows=7\,10,Linux=16.04 LTS\ Yes properties
Recursive Boolean Select to attach properties recursively if the Artifact Path is a directory. No recursive  
User Name String The user name to authenticate with the Artifactory server. No username  
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