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Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides virtual compute resources to users for running their own applications and allows scalable deployments. This plug-in provides steps for launching instances, terminating instances, associating IP addresses, waiting for instances, creating a security group, and getting the public DNS for the Amazon EC2 tool. The Amazon AWS SDK is required and must be downloaded from Amazon separately.

TheDevOps Deploy Blueprint Designer can interact with AWS in a more declarative manner, and should be considered as a possible alternative to this plugin.

Platform Support:

Note: The IBM DevOps Deploy blueprint designer also provides an integration with Amazon EC2. For more information, see the IBM DevOps Deploy product help.

Available Steps

Associate IPs - Associate Elastic IPs with instances.

Create Security Group - Create a security group from a file.

Deregister Instances with LoadBalancer - This step will deregister instances with an Amazon Load Balancer.

Get Public DNS - Get the public dns for given instance ids. Returned in a comma-separated list in property dns.

Launch Instances - Launch instances of the given AMI.

Register Instances with LoadBalancer - This step will register instances with an Amazon Load Balancer.

Terminate Instances - Terminate instances with the given instance ids.

Wait for instances - Wait for instances to be in a certain state.

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